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White Carnation Boutonniere


White Dendrobium Orchid Boutonniere


White Dendrobium Orchid Pin Corsage


White Gerbera Bridal Bouquet


White Hydrangea Bridesmaid Bouquet


White Mini Calla Wrist Corsage


White Ornithogalum


White Ranunculus Boutonniere


White Rose and Baby's Breath Boutonniere


White Rose Bridesmaid Bouquet


White Spray Rose Pin Corsage


White Spray Rose Wrist Corsage


Yellow & Green Bridal Bouquet


Yellow Spray Rose Pin Corsage


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White Carnation Boutonniere


A classic & long lasting male boutonniere with a large white carnation and a touch of  greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin. 

White Dendrobium Orchid Boutonniere


A modern male boutonniere with white dendrobium orchids, touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin. 

White Dendrobium Orchid Pin Corsage


A female pin corsage with white dendrobium orchids, touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin, finished with a white ribbon. 

White Gerbera Bridal Bouquet


A classic hand tied bridal bouquet, with large white gerbera, touches of greenery. Tied with a white satin ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox 10 inch wide. 

White Hydrangea Bridesmaid Bouquet


A classic hand-tied bridesmaid bouquet with white hydrangea, tied with a white ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox. 7 inch wide.

White Mini Calla Wrist Corsage


A modern wrist corsage with white mini calla, green hypericum berries, touch of greenery, finished with a white ribbon, and an elastic bracelet.

White Ornithogalum


Embrace the enchanting allure of white Ornithogalum, boasting star-shaped blooms and delicate charm that bring elegance and whimsy to floral compositions.

White Ranunculus Boutonniere


A modern male boutonniere with a white ranunculus and a touch of olive branch greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin.

White Rose and Baby's Breath Boutonniere


A classic male boutonniere with a white rose, baby's breath, touch of greenery, accompanied by a pearl pin. 

White Rose Bridesmaid Bouquet


A classic hand-tied bridesmaid bouquet with white roses, white wax, greenery touches, tied with a white ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox. 5 inch wide.

White Spray Rose Pin Corsage


A classic female pin corsage with white spray roses, baby's breath, touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin, finished with a white ribbon. 

White Spray Rose Wrist Corsage


A wrist corsage with white spray roses, touch of greenery, finished with a black ribbon, and an elastic bracelet.  

Yellow & Green Bridal Bouquet


A Semi-textured hand tied bridal bouquet, with yellow mini calla, green hypericum berries, green mini hydrangea, white ranunculus, touches of greenery, tied with a white ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox 11 inch wide. 

Yellow Spray Rose Pin Corsage


A female pin corsage with yellow spray roses, baby's breath, touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin, finished with a yellow ribbon. 

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